Monday, October 8, 2012

Eight Top Fall Hikes at Mt. Rainier

Set against a backdrop of evergreen conifers, vine maples are ablaze with color, larches shine golden and huckleberries are bursting with shades of crimson. The air is crisp and fall is on full display. Come hike at Mt. Rainier during this special time of year - choose from the following list.
  • Bench & Snow Lakes
                           Photo Credit:  Don Jensen
    • 2.6 miles, RT - Expect brilliant fall color from huckleberry and ash in expansive meadows; easy hike for the family off Stevens Canyon Road.
  • Indian Henry's via Kautz Creek
    • 11 miles, RT - Look upon brilliant red slopes, courtesy of the vine maples; strenuous hike, three miles inside Nisqually Entrance.
  • Pinnacle Saddle
    • 3 miles, RT - Splendid fall foliage of huckleberry and mountain ash, with fantastic Cascade Mountain views; short but steep, off Stevens Canyon Road.
  • Shriner Peak
    • 8.4 miles, RT - Late summer flowers give way to the rich colors of fall, plus enjoy optimal wildlife viewing; moderate with steep sections; strenuous hike off Cayuse Pass.
  • Skyline Trail
    • 8.4 miles, RT - An autumn favorite inside the park, view fall folliage up close and at a distance; moderate hike out of Paradise.
  • Spray Park
    • 6 miles, RT - Expansive meadows filled with colorful fall foliage and top-notch views of the mountain; moderate hike out of Mowich Lake.
  • Summit Lake
    • 6.5 miles, RT - Brilliant fall color and huckleberries galore; moderate hike outside the park near Carbon River Entrance.
  • Tolmie Peak
    • 7.2 miles, RT - Superb mountain views and a picturesque, reflective alpine lake amidst meadows of fall foliage; moderate hike out of Mowich Lake. 
    For complete information on vacationing around Mt. Rainier, go to

                                                              Photo Credit:  Don Jensen
    Visit Rainier is a not-for-profit, non-membership destination marketing organization that promotes tourism in the gateway communities around Mt.Rainier.

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